Tag Archives: games

Cabin Trip!

A few fun memories from the cabin trip with Miranda, Bryce, Adrienne, Jordan, Corey, Brittany 1, and Brittany 2.

The drive started from the Bennett’s. I rode with Adrienne and Jordan and Blue, their gigantic but sweet Great Dane. She did surprising well in the back seat. Even with the entire car singing along to the Pitch Perfect soundtrack. so fun.

This is my new favorite sweater 🙂 It is pink and a true sentiment at the moment. Also, how pretty is Arizona? and this was less than an hour from my house.


We stopped for breakfast in Payson at this cute family restaurant castle. It was surprisingly super cheap (maybe even cheaper than Denny’s) and had pretty good food 🙂

Sadly the only snow we saw was on the Rim. Too warm for snow at the cabin this year…but we still had a blast! Watched Pitch Perfect (I decided that I am in love with Jesse, seriously I was sold during the scene where he holds the records up at the radio station. Pretty sure if he proposed I would say yes). Lolz. And Catch Me if You Can… super intense, and kind of brilliant. Crazy that it is based on a true story.


We played lots of games! Thanks Bryce for the fun contributions from the White Elephant gift exchange. I’m pretty sure his goodwill present (he said only cost him $6.50) might have been the best gift. It included Life, girl talk, true colors, and a game called octopus which is kind of like a human twister (see photos below).  Also, I feel like I have the most fun playing cards against humanity with this group of friends. Maybe because we play in a  mildly conservative fashion, the answers we picked are witty and potentially disturbing but don’t make me feel like a part of my spirit is dying inside because I was present for such dirty, disturbing, gross, horrible answers. I also really appreciated Jordan throwing away a few of the cards that should never be played. EVER. Corey’s set for “what did I lose my virginity to” may have been the funniest round I have ever participated in. The Force. hahaha. Adrienne I would have picked yours. 😛 I can’t remember which card won that but they were all hilarious.

One of the other White Elephant gifts was fireworks, which we may or may not have used on a no burn day. One of them went so high it almost touched a tree. The picture doesn’t even do it justice.

Human Twister was so funny! Flexible dancers for the win 🙂


It was super fun and I am glad to have spent time with these friends before I leave for California. Although, the weekend might have been a bit more pleasant without the ear infection. The pressure and pain feel so scary. I will definitely have more sympathy for kiddos when they have ear infections. I am on day 3 of feeling pain and lots of pressure, but am taking things for it and hope it gets better soon. Feeling a bit scared to fly on a plane and leave the country Thursday. I am going to stock up on decongestants though and hope my eardrum doesn’t burst on the flight. My daddy is quite worried about me and was so sweet to drive meds over to me tonight (I don’t really like to go to the doctor, but he is making me take antibiotics… I mean he drove all the way to my house at 9pm with Tylenol, Benadryl, ear drops, and amoxicillin). So I am self medicating with the hopes it resolves by Thursday… and praying that I don’t have any complications while in Cancun. Prayers are appreciated!

Until next time 🙂